
Friday 19 June 2015

Ancient Nubian Pyramids of Meroë, Sudan

Ancient Nubian Pyramids, Meroë Cemetery, Sudan
Visited November 2007 and January 2009

A bit off the wall, and off the beaten track, this one. I had the opportunity to travel to Sudan with work in 2007 and 2009, and both times I was able to visit the archaeological sites to the north of Khartoum.

The cemetery at Meroë is in the middle of nowhere - there was only one road leading to it when I visited (the main road running from the border with Egypt south to Khartoum), and it's about 200km north of Khartoum. Given the political situation there, I doubt there are more visitors there than when I visited, and both times I had the site to myself (well ok, there was a colleague and a guide each time too).

The pyramids date from circa 280BCE to about 20CE. They look like Egyptian pyramids because the Merotic people were highly influenced by their northern neighbours, ruling over them in the 25th Dynasty. The writing too was based on Egyptian script, although the language hasn't been deciphered.

They're a bit ruined now, but thanks to money pumped in by foreign archaeologists, museums and researchers, and the lack of tourists, the pyramids are in pretty good condition in terms of litter, grafitti etc. Although relying on foreign money and having few visitors is of course not ideal in terms of sustainability or long term preservation. If you ever get the chance to visit then do. Just don't use the toilets on site. Seriously, just don't.

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