
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Bunhill Fields, London (2018)

Bunhill Fields, London
Visited January 2018

I previously visited the dissenters (i.e. non-Church of England) burial ground of Bunhill Fields (near Old Street station, London) in 2014. Nothing much has changed at the site - it's still used mainly as a cut-through, but no-one takes any notice of those leaning over railings to take photographs. 

All but a very few graves are behind railings, with access only by guided tour held on Wednesday lunchtimes. The stones of William Blake and Daniel Defoe, two of the main attractions of memorials, are not behind rails and are close together so easy to find. The winter sunlight was in the wrong direction for a photo of Defoe's stone to come out however...

Another of the stones worth stopping at, again not behind the railings, is that of Dame Mary Page (top 2 photos, below), whose medical history is writ large for all to read!

Part of the burial ground is managed for wildlife, another is landscaped to give a pleasant place to rest. There are squirrels galore, and if you can tune out the sound of passing traffic its a lovely little oasis.

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