
Monday, 18 October 2021

St Peter's Church, Tandridge

St Peter's Church, Tandridge, Surrey

Visited October 2021

The church on this site dates back to around the 11th century, although there may have been an earlier church on the site. The church was restored by Sir George Gilbert Scott in the 1870s, and retains work by him as well as much earlier stone and woodwork.  Sadly it was locked when we visited so we couldn't see inside. 

Just inside the lychgate is an incredible old yew, the Tandridge Yew which is possibly over 1000 years old.

Some gravestones in this countryside churchyard date back to the 18th century, although most are 19th to 20th century in date, and memorial stones are still being added this century. 

One of the most impressive memorials is the 1872 grave of
Caroline Scott, wife of Sir George Gilbert Scott who was one of the key architects during the Victorian period. Gilbert Scott designed her Italian Renaissance style altar tomb himself.

Grave of Caroline Scott

Top of grave of Caroline Scott

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Hither Green Cemetery, London (2020)

 Hither Green Cemetery, London

Visited December 2020

As noted on my previous visit in January 2016, there is not a lot to commend this cemetery to the casual visitor - it's a fairly flat, manicured space with very little in the way of impressive memorials. The dissenter's chapel remains in a state of disrepair and is fenced off, with no sign of work taking place. At the other end of the cemetery, in the modern area burials still take place as this is a working cemetery and crematorium. Perhaps I will try to come back here in summer, and see the difference as my visits have only been in the depths of winter so far!