
Saturday, 3 September 2016

Camberwell Old Cemetery

Camberwell Old Cemetery, Southwark, London
Visited July 2016

I've visited Camberwell Old Cemetery before and not been very complementary about it, but this time I decided to venture a bit off the beaten track into the overgrown areas, and it's lovely! You can't get off the tracks very much as it's all overgrown and bits are fenced off for Japanese knotweed removal. There are plans afoot to try to clear some of these areas for new burials, which is a disgrace, surely. The wildlife, the history, the people who are buried there - all of these deserve to be left alone, rather than be swept away for a money making scheme, which is all this can be.

Anyway, if you're in the area I highly recommend that you head down some of the tracks into the woods. I didn't see anyone else while I wandered, despite the cemetery being on the Green Chain, and it was a spot of complete solitude. Lovely.

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