
Friday 7 December 2018

St Mary de Crypt Church, Gloucester

Churchyard of St Mary de Crypt, Gloucester
Visited July 2017

The church of St Mary de Crypt in Gloucester dates back to the 12th century. Its churchyard, to the rear of the church, is quite overgrown, and backs onto a public plaza where there was a food and music event going on the day I visited, so people had overspilled from there into the churchyard. There are some interesting graves - most of which appear to have been moved nearer to the walls, but as well as the weeds it's a bit untidy, and probably not worth the effort of visiting unless you're just passing.

I didn't go into the church itself - it's currently undergoing restoration, and due to reopen in 2019. Once it's open, a visit to the church and its Medieval wall paintings, then a walk through the churchyard en route to the ruins of Greyfriars, will be on my to-do list!

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